Submitting Documentation
After you have submitted and paid for your application, you will receive your TIMS application coversheet. The TIMS coversheet provides complete instructions on submitting your documents to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
To access a copy of your TIMS coversheet, upload documents to your application, or Track the Progress of your application –
Click “Home” across the top of your TIMS Page
Look on the left for “Applications in Process”
Once you’ve found the application you are working on, look in the far right column.
Please upload the documentation for your application to TIMS first. You can submit your documents through the mail if the upload option is not available for the specific document you need to include. Please do not upload documents to the incorrect heading, as this will delay the processing of your application.
Note: Clearance documentation MUST be mailed. We cannot accept uploaded, faxed, or emailed clearance documentation.
You will receive a TIMS coversheet for each application you submit. It will list your name, the application type, and the specific application ID number in the upper right corner. Our address is included in the bottom right corner.
- You are not required to include the coversheet with any documentation being uploaded directly to your TIMS application.
- We recommend including the coversheet with any documentation being mailed to our office.
Common Problem #5
If you do not have access to the TIMS coversheet, your application may still be in an “Incomplete” status. This means that you have not submitted and paid for your application. Please review the Summary and Payment pages above. DO NOT send documentation to our office until you have completed those steps.
If your application requires the submission of official transcripts, please refer to Sending Electronic Transcripts for instructions. This information will also be noted on the second page of your coversheet if required.
The “Other” box on your TIMS coversheet is an optional category on your cover sheet available for you to send extra documentation. No documentation is required for “Other” unless specifically requested by your assigned evaluator. If “Other” is the only thing listed on your coversheet, you are not required to send anything to our office, including the coversheet.
Note: If there is testing on Page 2 of your TIMS coversheet that does not match your tests– Do Not Panic! Additional information will be provided in the Required Testing section of the User Guide.