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Pennsylvania Workforce Development Information

Q & As Regarding Special Education Students Enrolled in Career and Technology Centers - Department of Education staff members received numerous inquires from intermediate units (IUs), school districts, and career and technology centers (CTCs)regarding special education requirements for special education students enrolled in the CTCs. Bureau of Special Education and Bureau of Career and Technical Education staff developed a series of questions and answers to address the responsibilities of the resident district and the receiving CTCs and area vocational-technical schools. The questions and answers pertain to the placement of special education students, the provision of special education programs and services, and other topics.

Penn*Link Re: Access to Career and Technical Education for ALL Students

This Penn*Link provides clarification in regard to student access to career and technical education. As noted in regulation, career and technical education shall be made available to every student in the high school program. See 22 Pa Code 4.23 (d)(1). If a school district or the career and technical center in which the district participates, does not offer a specific career and technical education program, the district of residence must work with another school district or career and technical center to make this program available to interested students. Additionally, the district of residence must pay for this education. Districts should not be limiting the number of students who receive career and  technical education.

Article 18 of the Public School Code pertains to this issue. Specifically section 18-1809, 24 P.S. § 18-1809, in relevant part, provides:

(a) Any resident of any school district which does not maintain an approved vocational program…offering the type of training which he desires, may make application to the board of school directors of any other district for admission to such school or department maintained by said board. If the board refuses him admission, he may apply to the State Board for Vocational Education for admission to such school or department. The State Board for Vocational Education may approve or disapprove such application. In making such decision the State Board for Vocational Education shall take into consideration the opportunities for free vocational training in the community in which the applicant resides, the financial status of the community, the age, preparation, aptitude and previous record of the applicant, and all other relevant
circumstances. The decision of the State Board for Vocational Education shall be final.

(c) The school district in which the person resides, who has been admitted, as above provided, to an approved vocational program….department maintained by another school district, shall pay the high school charge provided for by this act. If any school district neglects or refuses to pay for such tuition, it shall be liable therefore, in an action of contract, to the school district or school districts maintaining the school which the pupil, with the approval of the board, attended.

If you have additional questions, please contact, 717-787-5530.​