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​Establishing and Maintaining Relationships - Grades 1-5

Explain ways to establish relationships that are positive and supportive of others
Demonstrate respect for the uniqueness of others
Select and utilize expressive communication strategies
Identify multiple ways to solve conflicts and practice solving problems

Explain ways to establish relationships that are positive and supportive of others

Performance Indicators
The learner will:
Supportive Practices
The adult will:
Teaching Strategies
  • Identify strategies to build relationships.
  • Describe how pro-social behavior builds positive and supportive relationships.
  • Identify effective individual and group interactions (e.g. consensus building, establishing ground rules, listening to others, communicating effectively.


  • Have students work in small groups to discuss and report out on the verbal, physical, or situational cues that indicate how others may feel.
  • Give student teams separate lists of emotions. Have them design and perform skits showing all the emotions, while the other teams try to guess what emotions were on their list.
  • Have students describe and discuss what characteristics a good friend should have and compare them to their own personal characteristics.
  • Have students dress up as characters in history or literature and act out how those individuals were feeling and how it affected their behavior.
  • Students complete a before and after comparison chart.


Demonstrate respect for the uniqueness of others

Performance Indicators
The learner will:
Supportive Practices
The adult will:
Teaching Strategies
  • Compare and contrast unique characteristics of self and others.
  • Acknowledge that the thoughts and feelings of others may differ from self

Recognize others' abilities and strengths.

  • Use cooperative learning groups to promote students working together.
  • Have students create a bulletin board showing photos of community helpers, and label how they help others.
  • Ask students to trace each other's hands and write a quality they learned about helping. Display the hands around the room as the 'helping hands.'
  • Select and adopt a classroom community service project that serves others in the school or community.
  • With students, visit school resources (e.g., nurse, counselor, secretary, etc.) to find out what services they provide Have students identify in what context they would access those services.
  • As a journal writing assignment, have students journal about ways they can help and why it is important.
  • Draw an "Impact Web," and ask students to show how their actions could potentially affect others or how a historical figure's actions affected society.
  • Have students write a letter to an adult they admire explaining why they consider them a role model.




Select and utilize expressive communication strategies (e.g., tone, body language, facial expressions) with an understanding of its effect on others

Performance Indicators
The learner will:
Supportive Practices
The adult will:
Teaching Strategies
  • Utilize communication strategies with regard to


  • Explain how non-verbal. communication may impact others.


  • Have a Compliment Day in which students give and receive three compliments.
  • Talk with students about body language and the message it portrays.
  • In groups, have students build 'towers' using only the materials provided. Have students discuss how they cooperated as a group to build the tower.
  • Help students understand that a loss can be a valuable life lesson through "teachable moments" when playing games either in class or on the playground.
  • Establish class or morning meetings that give students the opportunity to interact with each other and practice speaking and listening skills.
  • Have students read the book Have You Filled a Bucket Today? Then, have students fill a class bucket with compliments for other students.
  • Give students a listening task (e.g., describe a process or task, then have students turn to a partner and explain what they heard).
  • Invite a business/industry representative to speak to the class about his/her job. Students should listen for specific skills, education or training required, rewards and challenges in the job, and should ask appropriate questions.


Identify multiple ways to solve conflicts and practice solving problems

Performance Indicators
The learner will:
Supportive Practices
The adult will:
Teaching Strategies
  • Determine possible solutions to resolve conflicts.
  • Evaluate others' ideas on strategies to solve a conflict.
  • Acknowledge one's part in managing and resolving conflict. (e.g., staying calm, listening to all sides, being open to different solutions)


  • Teach students problem-solving skills and provide support as needed when they are working to resolve a conflict.
  • Observe students on the playground, noting conflicts and how they were handled. If the conflict was poorly handled, ask students to problem solve how they could modify the response.
  • Implement a peer mediation program.
  • Provide role play scenarios for students that show the causes and effects of conflicts and ways to peacefully resolve conflicts.
  • Use conflict resolution and problem-solving skills as a topic for a class meeting.
  • Have students read a story or history lesson that demonstrates conflict. Discuss the cause-and-effect relationship of the conflict and how the conflict may have been avoided.