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Phase 2: Planning

St​​ep 3

The school community develops, articulates, and effectively communicates a shared vision of student social, emotional, and academic development via the Career Ready Skills framework.

  • LEA administrators complete the LEA Self- Assessment.
  • School stakeholders create a shared vision for the PA CRS.
  • PA CRS vision aligns to school's mission statement, comprehensive school plan and vision.

St​ep 4

The steering committee conducts a needs and resources assessment.

Use existing data:  Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS), School Climate Survey, Safe Schools Report data, SAP data, etc., to answer the following questions:

  • How socially and emotionally competent are our students?
  • What problems are our students experiencing?
  • What is the quality of the learning environment?
  • What are the needs of school staff, families, and business and community partners?
  • What is the readiness of the school community to implement Career Ready Skills as a schoolwide priority?
  • In what ways do our existing policies, programs, and practices promote social and emotional development?
  • Do our programs use consistent language and strategies for teaching our children Career Ready Skills?
  • Are our efforts coordinated and systematic, creating a synergy that enhances desired outcomes and effectively using our resources? 
  • What's missing?​​