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​Social Problem-Solving Skills - Grades 9-12

Evaluate consequences from a personal and civic perspective to inform decision-making.
Situate self in any social context as a means to determine a response.
Evaluate how societal conventions may influence the perspectives of individuals

Evaluate consequences from a personal and civic perspective to inform decision-making.

Performance Indicators
The learner will:
Supportive Practices
The adult will:
Teaching Strategies
  • Model integrity, ethical leadership, and effective management in making decisions.
  • Analyze how individual perspective affect decisions.
  • Analyze decisions with regard to civic roles and responsibilities.


  • Discuss with students the connection between their academics and future life goals.
  • Have students evaluate their postsecondary plan to align to postsecondary and career goals.
  • Provide planners for students to meet deadlines, goals, etc. 
  • Teach students a formula for making good decisions (e.g., identify the problem, consider the alternatives, make a choice, try it out, re-evaluate).
  • Review the PA Youth Risk Behavior Survey data for adolescents. Identify a pertinent issue and discuss with students strategies they could use to address the issue.
  • Utilize Sean Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens in classroom discussions and lessons.
  • Have students' interview professionals in a field of interest for a short paper on why they entered that profession and what decisions they have to make daily.
  • Involve students in youth vote and have them identify a cultural/civic group that addresses common good.



Situate self in any social context as a means to determine a response.

Performance Indicators
The learner will:
Supportive Practices
The adult will:
Teaching Strategies
  • Respond with personal integrity in various social contexts.
  • Apply teamwork and leadership skills in a work setting.
  • Apply strategies to motivate, encourage, and build trust with others.
  • Demonstrate a willingness to teach/assist others in order to improve a team.
  • Ask students to participate in an integrity analysis to help determine if behavior aligns with their personal core principles. Reflect on results and how they will influence career choices.
  • Encourage students to participate in leadership programs that align with postsecondary and career goals.

  • Use current events to have students analyze how the context of that event influenced the outcome.
  • Assign student teams a research project about what community resources are available and applicable in specific situations. Include information about the educational or workplace training required to serve in those professions.

Evaluate how societal conventions may influence the perspectives of individuals

Performance Indicators
The learner will:
Supportive Practices
The adult will:
Teaching Strategies
  • Acknowledge diversity and respect cultural differences.
  • Evaluate how societal and cultural norms and mores influence personal interactions.
  • Evaluate the impact of diverse perspectives for the purpose of engaging others.


  • Have students participate in culturally sensitive conflict resolution/mediation training

  • Use literary text to analyze how characters respond to setting.
  • Use informational text to analyze current international news and how situations and culture reflect the point of view.
  • Assign students a short research paper in which they compare the outcome of a social issue from various perspectives.
  • Evaluate text from the perspective of how society impacts action (e.g., Romeo and Juliet vs. West Side Story).