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Bus Evacuation Accuracy Certification Statement

Bus Evacuation Drill data is reported via the Location Fact template during the Collection 6 Safe Schools (C6 Safe School – Bus 2016-17 ) reporting period. The reporting tool is a partially completed Excel version of the Location Fact template LEAs will upload to PIMS.

Reporting LEAs

The following LEA types are required to report:

  • Career and Technology Centers
  • Charter schools
  • Intermediate units
  • School districts  


LEAs are to enter or modify data only in these columns:

  • DATE

Changes made to other columns may invalidate the file.

Reporting Instructions

The reporting tool consists of four rows for each location within the LEA, and three rows for the non-school location code 9999. Location code 9999 is to be used to report drills held for students bussed to locations other than locations of the reporting LEA.

The first row for each LEA location is for reporting the first day of school (Category 03 = FIRSTDAY). Enter Y in the Indicator field, and the date of the first day of school in the Date field.

The second row for each LEA location is used to indicate that no bus evacuation drills are required because students are not bussed to that location (Category 03 = NOBUS). Enter Y in the Indicator field if no bus drills are required, otherwise enter N.

The next two rows for each LEA location are for reporting whether drills were conducted in the fall (Category 03 = FALL) and during the month of March (Category 03 = MARCH). In the indicator field, enter a Y if a drill was held, otherwise enter N. If a drill was held, enter the date of the drill in the Date field. Date must be entered in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD). If a required drill was not held, a brief explanation is required in the Comment field. It may be necessary to format fields as text before entering data.

Some LEAs may bus students to off-site locations. Evacuation drills for student bussed to off-site locations are reported under the location code 9999. This includes students regularly bussed to other locations such as IUs, CTCs, etc. This does not include student only bussed for field trips and similar activities.

The first row for the non-LEA location 9999 is used to indicate that no bus evacuation drills are required because students are not bussed to any off-site locations (Category 03 = NOBUS). Enter Y in the Indicator field if no bus drills are required, otherwise enter N. If a drill was not required, no explanation is required in the Comment field.

The next two rows for the non-LEA location 9999 are for reporting whether drills were conducted in the fall (Category 03 = FALL) and during the month of March (Category 03 = MARCH). In the indicator field, enter a Y if a drill was held, otherwise enter N. If a drill was held, enter the date of the drill in the Date field. If a required drill was not held, a brief explanation is required in the Comment field. Please contact the PDE Data Collection Team at for assistance.


When the data is complete, save the file as a comma separated value (csv) file using the following naming convention:
Example: 123456789_LOCATION_FACT_201605061435.csv 
  1. District Code = 9-digit Administrative Unit Number 
    • For example, 123456789 
  2. Target Table (located on template) e.g., "LOCATION_FACT" 
  3. Time Stamp (ensures uniqueness for the file) e.g., "201605061435" 
  4. File Extension (data separator type) e.g., "csv" 
    • csv: comma separated
    • tab: tab separated
    • del: other delimiter

Upload to PIMS

Upload the file via the C6 Safe School – Bus 2016-17 collection. Be sure to check the box indicating that the file contains a header row. 

Add the file to a batch and process the batch