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Instructions for Form Completion

PDE-375 – Listing of Juveniles Incarcerated in Adult Facilities and Participating in an Education Program in Accordance With Section 1306.2 of School Code

    A. Complete the PDE-375 using the type-in .PDF form found on the web site at Click on Teachers & Administrators, then Child Accounting, then Forms for Juveniles Incarcerated in Adult Facilities.” If a computer printout is used in place of the PDE-375, it should include all data columns shown on the PDE-375. Additionally, the statement explaining the purpose of the form should accompany the copy of the printout sent to the resident school district. (See “Note to School District of Residence.”)

    B. Complete heading information: Name of Host School District, County, Administrative Unit Number (9-digit code), Contact Person, Telephone Number and Extension, Days in Session, Signature of Superintendent, Date and School Year. If the host school district has students in the adult facility, a form must also be completed with the host school district as the school district of residence.

    NOTE: Host school district should retain in their files separate forms completed for those students classified as “1306 wards of the state” (students whose school district of residence cannot be determined) and “out-of-state” (students whose parent or guardian resides outside of Pennsylvania). 

    C. The PDE-375 – Preliminary Report should be completed with membership data through a cutoff date that is compatible with school district processing and corresponds with the upload of PIMS (Pennsylvania Information Management System) Collection 3-Child Accounting SD and IU Preliminary JIAF Collection. This preliminary collection occurs in March. 

    D. A copy of the PDE-375 – Preliminary Report and a copy of the PDE-375 – Year-End Report should be sent to the resident school district at the time they are completed. A copy should also be retained in the host school district’s files for review by auditors.


    1. Student Name and Birth Date: List the name of each resident student placed in an adult facility who is being educated in accordance with Section 1306.2 of the “Pennsylvania Public School Code of 1949.” Also list the student’s birth date.

      NOTE: The PDE-375 – Preliminary Report completed in conjunction with the PIMS Collection 3 in March should include the names of each nonresident student in the adult facility during the current school year through the cutoff date. The PDE-375 – Year-End Report should include all students educated at the adult facility during the school year.

    2. Elem or Sec: For each student, report the program level: elementary or secondary.

    3. Percent Nonspecial or Special Ed: Indicate whether the student is in a nonspecial education program or a special education program (student has an Individualized Education Plan). If the student is receiving part of his/her education in a nonspecial education program and part in a special education program, indicate the percent of time for each (percents must add to 100).

    4. Name and Address of Custodial Parent or Guardian: Report for each student the name and address of the custodial parent or guardian as acknowledged on the PDE- 4605A “Determination of District of Residence for Juveniles Incarcerated in Adult Facilities in Accordance With Section 1306.2 of School Code.”

    5. Date Enrolled: Report for each student the date enrolled (date education was first provided). If the student is continuing enrollment from the prior school year, indicate the first day of the current school year.

    6. Date Withdrew: Report for each student the date the student withdrew from the education program. If the student was still enrolled on the last day of the school year, leave this item blank.

    7. Aggregate Days Membership: Report the aggregate days membership for the school year for each student listed. For students who are receiving both nonspecial education and special education, prorate the total aggregate days membership between nonspecial and special based on the percent of time indicated in the Percent Nonspecial or Special Ed column.

      NOTE: On the PDE-375 – Preliminary Report: for students no longer being educated as of the cutoff date, report the actual aggregate days membership; for students still being educated as of the cutoff date, report the anticipated aggregate days of membership for the school year based on the amount of time the student is expected to be incarcerated in the adult facility. The PDE-375 – Year-End Report should include the actual aggregate days membership for each student educated in the adult facility during the school year.

    8. Total Aggregate Days Membership by Instructional Level: On the bottom of the PDE-375, report the total aggregate days membership for nonspecial education programs and special education programs by instructional level (elementary and secondary). Use whole number