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The Division of Data Quality collects data on secondary-level students who drop out of school.

Data used in calculating dropout rates was collected via the Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS) starting in 2007-08. In prior years, this data was collected via the Public School Enrollment Report (ESPE) and the Public School Dropout Survey (EDGR). These instruments provided a "snapshot" of the fall enrollment in grades 7 through 12 and the total number of dropouts in those grades throughout a single school year.

The following definitions apply:

DROPOUT - A student who, for any reason other than death, leaves school before graduation without transferring to another school/institution.

DROPOUT RATE - An annual or "event" rate that measures the proportion of students enrolled who drop out during a single school year. The total number of dropouts for the school year is divided by the fall enrollment for the same year.

The total number of dropouts is counted for the 12-month period from October 1 to September 30, but the total secondary enrollment was obtained on October 1 (a snapshot view).

Included below are reports on current and trend dropout data by school. Provided in these listings are individual school dropout data and dropout rates as well as summaries for local education agencies, counties and the state.

Dropout Data

For additional information, please contact:
Data Quality Office
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Forum Building
607 South Drive
Harrisburg, PA  17120​