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​Contracting with an AEDY Program

Contracts with an External AEDY LEA In-house and/or AEDY Private Provider Program

LEAs may enter agreements with other LEAs that operate a PDE-approved AEDY Program or with a Private Provider that operates a PDE-approved AEDY Program.  LEAs that wish to contract with an approved AEDY LEA In-house Program or AEDY Private Provider Program must submit an AEDY Program application to PDE for approval before placing students in the program.  All AEDY Program applications shall be renewed by June 30 of every odd-numbered year.

It is the responsibility of the LEA that chooses to contract with an AEDY Program to ensure that the LEA or Private Provider is qualified to perform the contracted services and conduct ongoing reviews of the LEA or Private Provider to ensure compliance with applicable law, including the Public School Code (24 P.S. §§ 19-1901-C et seq. and 24 P.S. §§ 19-1901-E et seq.) and with the AEDY Guidelines. The list of PDE-approved AEDY Programs is available on PDE's website.