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Supplemental Equipment Grants (Non-Matching) (757): 2023-2024



The 2023-2024 Pennsylvania budget provides school districts and career and technical centers (CTCs) the opportunity to purchase equipment to prepare students for the workplace. This is a non-matching grant. The funds provided to school districts and CTCs are based on a formula.


The purpose of the Career and Technical Education Supplemental Equipment Purchase Program (Supplemental Equipment Grant) is to purchase instructional equipment and hand tool sets for the classroom that meet industry standards. Funds must be used to purchase instructional equipment and hand tool sets for the purpose of training students (i.e., hands-on use of the equipment) in Pennsylvania Department of Education-approved career and technical education (CTE) programs.


Approximately $15,000,000 in state funds are available for the purchase of equipment and for the purchase of a complete set of tools for use in the hands-on instruction of students enrolled in PDE-approved career and technical education (CTE) programs.

Pennsylvania secondary school districts and career and technical centers with PDE-approved CTE programs are eligible to apply for this grant. The equipment and a complete set of tools must be a minimum of $3,000 per unit. The equipment and tools must meet industry standards, and the Occupational Advisory Committee (OAC) must have recommended each piece of equipment and hand tools. Each grant will be awarded based on a funding formula. A match of local funds is not required.


Prospective applicants must address each of the following objectives:

  1. Alignment to National or State Industry Standards

The applicant must show how specific CTE programs will be enhanced to include industry standards by updating curriculum, providing professional development on the new equipment and related credentialing exam, and purchasing equipment and hand tools that students will use to learn the new skills.

  1. Occupational Advisory Committee

The OAC must have recommended each piece of equipment and hand tool set.


All applications must include:

  1. A Project Contact who will be available to answer questions regarding the funding application.
  2. The website of the school district or CTC.
  3. Description of the instructional equipment and hand tool sets for which the requested funding will be used, including:
    1. Item Name / Specifications;
    2. Function of Item;
    3. CIP Code and Title of CTE Program;
    4. Unit cost;
    5. Quantity;
    6. Amount; and
    7. Meeting Date that the Occupational Advisory Committee (OAC) recommended the item, which must be prior to the submission date.
  4. An explanation of how the instructional equipment and hand tool sets meet industry standards.
  5. An explanation of how the instructional equipment and hand tool sets are directly aligned to student achievement.

Entities Eligible for Funding

    1. School districts with PDE-approved career and technical education programs.
    2. CTCs with PDE-approved career and technical education programs.

Eligible Expenditures

Equipment criteria:

    1. Supports student hands-on training in approved career and technical education programs that lead to high growth or high demand careers;
    2. Meets industry standards;
    3. Costs $3,000 or more per unit or per complete set of tools priced by the manufacturer as one item;
    4. Is recommended by the OAC, with a recommendation date that is prior to submission;
    5. Retains its original shape, appearance, and character with use;
    6. Does not lose its identity through fabrication or incorporation into a different, or more complex unit, or substance;
    7. Is nonexpendable, which means that if the piece of equipment is damaged or some of its parts are lost or worn out, it is more feasible to repair the item than to replace it with an entirely new unit; and
    8. Can be expected to serve its principal purpose for more than a 12-month fiscal period, under normal conditions of use, including reasonable care and maintenance.

If funds remain after purchases of instructional equipment and hand tool sets that cost $3,000 or more, the remaining funds can be used to purchase instructional equipment and hand tool sets that cost less than $3,000, but otherwise meets the criteria for eligible expenditures.

The OAC shall mean a CTE program occupational advisory committee established pursuant to the Pennsylvania Code (22 Pa. Code Ch. 339 relating to vocational education).

Ineligible Expenditures

The following are examples of ineligible expenditures:

Bundles, kits, packages, etc. that the LEA creates by combining several items of lesser value to attain the $3,000 minimum; compressors, generators, refrigerators, freezers, coolers, ice makers, software, computers, laptops, computer upgrades, motorcycles, tractors, vehicle attachments, infrastructure, greenhouses, furniture, office equipment, shelving systems, cabinets, coops, pens, dust collection systems, exhaust systems, fume control units, dehumidification systems, clothing, certification exams, and warranties.

    • No vehicle purchased may be used for transporting students.
    • Use of the vehicle outside of the classroom setting is prohibited.


    1. Eligible school districts or CTCs will receive payment based on the formula set forth by law (Section 24 PS § 18-1855(b)).

    Application Deadline

    Eligible grant recipients must submit their proposal to the Pennsylvania Department of Education by 5 p.m. on October 6, 2023.

    Obligation of Funds and Payment of Obligations

    All funds must be obligated by and all obligations paid by June 30, 2024.

    How to Apply

    Individuals are required to apply for Career and Technical Education Supplemental Equipment Grants through the online eGrants system.

    Notification of Application Approval

    The Pennsylvania Department of Education acknowledges an approved application by sending the eligible recipient a notification via email. This approval means that the application is technically in order. It is not an approval of the amount requested. This notification establishes the beginning date for obligating funds for the application.


    The Supplemental Equipment Grant involves no written contract, no amendments or revisions, no approval letter, no refunds, and no Final Expenditure Report.


    Questions concerning the Supplemental Equipment Grant should be directed to Lynn Aul, Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Career and Technical Education, at 717.772.2499 or

    Classification of Expenditures

    Equipment and instructional tools requested must be used to implement the activities described in the project. Each application must contain an itemized budget of all planned expenditures with dollar amounts.

    Record Keeping

    Each eligible recipient must retain records of grant activities for at least six years after completion of the activity for which grant funds were used. Equipment records shall be maintained for six years after the disposition, transfer, or replacement of the equipment. In the event of an audit, the six-year record retention may be extended until the final resolution of the audit or until the end of the regular six-year period, whichever is longer. The state records retention regulations are mandated for at least six years and can be found in the Pennsylvania School Code of 1949 (24 PS § 5- 518).

    Each eligible recipient is required to maintain adequate records to provide full disclosure of grant expenditures. Such records include purchase orders, invoices, payroll records, time and service function records in support of payroll, bid solicitations, contracts and checks issued.

    Equipment – Inventory, Usage and Disposition

    State and local governments, secondary and postsecondary institutions, and nonprofit organizations shall adhere to PDE's General Administrative Regulations, including:

      1. Equipment and tools will be used by the school district or CTC in the CTE program for which it was purchased for as long as it is needed. When no longer needed for the original program, the equipment and tools may be used in other activities currently or previously supported by state funds.
      2. The school district or CTC shall also make equipment and tools available for use in other programs currently or previously supported with state funds as long as such usage does not interfere with the purpose for which it was purchased. Preference should be given to programs funded by the awarding agency.
      3. Equipment and tools acquired with grant funds may not be used to provide services for a fee to compete unfairly with private companies that provide equivalent services.