The student transcript must list: 1) industry-recognized credentials identified in the PDE-issued Industry-Recognized Credentials for Career & Technical Education Programs Resource Guide and earned through an approved CTE program, as well as, 2) industry-recognized credentials certified by an LEA as meeting the minimum non-technical requirements found in the Guidance for Identifying & Reporting Industry-Based Learning Credentials for non-CTE Students and earned outside of an approved CTE program.
For an industry-recognized credential reported by the student as attained outside of the school setting, LEAs should confirm that the IRC aligns to the minimum non-technical requirements found in the
Guidance for Identifying and Reporting Industry-Based Learning Credentials for Non-CTE Students prior to inclusion on the transcript.
Students are not required to advise schools of industry-recognized credentials earned outside of school. If the LEA determines an industry-recognized credential earned outside of the school setting may be reported for graduation pathways or Future Ready PA Index (FRPI), the LEA would follow the Guidance for Identifying & Reporting Industry-Based Learning Credentials
No, only include industry-recognized credentials meeting the requirements above.
Minimally, the student transcript must include the name of the industry-recognized credential, the credential provider, and the date earned in the LEA board-approved student transcript format. By way of example:
Certified Dental Assistant
Dental Assisting National Board
May 15, 2022
The legislation does not explicitly address whether the transcript should include IRCs earned prior to July 1, 2022; inclusion of previously earned IRCs is recommended but at the discretion of the LEA.
No. However, where a credential provider does not offer a hard copy certificate or similar proof of passing the IRC competency assessment (such as digital recognition), the LEA should retain local documentation for their own reference.