Home Education Program
24 P.S. §13-1327.1
Date of Issue: August 21, 2023
Date of Review: July 25, 2022; February 1, 2017; January 29, 2015; March 15, 2009; June 30, 2004
Section 1327.1 of the Pennsylvania School Code provides for a home education program designed to permit a parent, guardian or legal custodian ("supervisor") who has a high school diploma or its equivalent to conduct a home education program for his or her child or children. This BEC provides a listing of the requirements for the supervisor to establish a home education program, a list of acceptable tests to fulfill the law's requirements, and sample affidavit form for use by the supervisor.
Prior to the commencement of a home education program and annually thereafter by no later than August 1, the supervisor must submit a notarized affidavit or unsworn declaration to the Superintendent of the school district of residence in accordance with Section 1327.1(b)(1) and 1327(d). Home education program supervisors should review the board policy of their local school district to determine which forms and information should be filed with the district. Attached to this BEC are sample affidavits and unsworn declarations that may be used. These samples are not exclusive, and the use of other forms is permissible if all required information is provided.
In addition to the notarized affidavit or unsworn declaration, the parent, guardian, or legal custodian must attach:
- an outline of proposed education objectives by subject area,
- evidence (records or a letter from the physician) that the child or children have been immunized as required by School Code Sec. 1303(a) unless a physician certifies the child has a medical contraindication to immunization or the parent submits documentation objecting to immunizations based upon religious or philosophical reasons, and
- evidence (records or a letter from the physician) that the child or children have received medical services required for students of the child's or children's age or grade level in Article XIV, or a religious exemption.
Regulation found in 22 Pa. Code § 11.31a states that school district approval is not required to commence a home education program when all necessary paperwork has been filed.
School districts must allow students who are in a home education program in their school district to participate in extracurricular activities under 24 P.S. § 5-511 such as, but not limited to, clubs, musical ensembles, athletics and theatrical productions.
The school district of residence shall, at the request of the supervisor, lend to the home education program copies of the school district's planned courses, textbooks and other curriculum materials appropriate to the student's age and grade level. We strongly encourage school districts to provide supervisors with current planned courses, texts and other curriculum materials immediately following a supervisor's request for these materials.
It is the Department's view that friendly compliance with the home education law is in the best interest of children and their education. For example, school districts can extend to supervisors of home education programs the opportunity to have home educated children participate in the district's health program, since these students must receive the same health tests as public school students.
Home Education Law Amendment Section 1327.1(f.2) (1)-(5)
Effective beginning with the 2023-24 school year, school districts must allow home educated students to participate in any cocurricular activity that merges extracurricular activities with a required academic course, academic courses (equaling up to at least one quarter of the school day for full-time students), and career and technical education (CTE) programs. Section 1327.1(f.2) (1)-(5) of the School Code requires school districts to develop policies and procedures to permit a child who is enrolled in a home education program to participate in any cocurricular activity or CTE program. The board of school directors may adopt further policies to implement the participation of home education students in cocurricular activities, academic courses, and CTE programs. School districts should establish policies and procedures for home education students including procedures addressing enrollment and attendance of students from home education programs into classes and CTE programs.
Mandatory Annual Reporting
A home school parent must submit a home school evaluation report, completed by a licensed clinical or school psychologist or a teacher certified by the Commonwealth or by a nonpublic teacher or administrator, for each homeschooled student to the district of residence on or prior to June 30th of the year to comply with PA Home Education Law. Failure to do so could result in a formal hearing, conducted by the local school district of residence. The possible consequences include probation, increased required reporting or the loss of homeschooling rights for up to one year. Qualifications of the evaluator and the content of the report are detailed in the Home School and Private Tutoring Guide , found on PDE's website.
The Pennsylvania School Code, 24 P.S. § 13-1327.1(e)(1) states that the portfolio for home education students in grades 3, 5 and 8 must include the results of the statewide tests (PSSAs) for reading/language arts and mathematics or nationally normed standardized achievements tests. If the supervisor of the home education program requests that the student(s) take the statewide tests administered in these grades, the school district must allow the student to take the test at the school building the home education student normally would attend or other accommodations agreed to by the school district and the parent. The Department has approved the following nationally normed standardized tests for use by home education programs if they choose not to take the statewide tests:
- California Achievement Test
- Comprehensive Testing Program (CTPIV)
- Iowa Test of Basic Skills
- Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
- Metropolitan Achievement Test
- Peabody Achievement Individual Test – Revised Version
- Stanford Achievement Test
- Terra Nova
- Woodcock-Johnson Revised Tests of Achievement III
- Woodcock-Johnson IV
- Wechsler Individual Achievement Test III (WIAT-III)
School districts are encouraged to establish written policies on home education, including procedures for submitting the affidavits/unsworn declarations, administering PSSA tests, enrollment procedures for home education students, and participation in curricular/cocurricular activities, academic courses and CTE programs.
Information about home education in Pennsylvania, including the Pennsylvania law on home education and related statutes and regulations, and a list of home education organizations serving Pennsylvania families, is available on our Home Education and Private Tutoring webpage.
Purdon's Statutes
24 P.S. §1-102. Definitions.
24 P.S. §1-111. Criminal History of Employes and Prospective Employes; Conviction of Certain Offenses.
24 P.S. §5-511. School Athletics, Publications, and Organizations.
24 P.S. §13-1303(a). Immunization Required; Penalty.
24 P.S. §13-1304. Admission of Beginners.
24 P.S. §13-1326. Definitions.
24 P.S. §13-1327. Compulsory School Attendance.
24 P.S. §13-1327.1. Home Education Program.
24 P.S. Article XIV. School Health Services.
State Board of Education Regulations
22 Pa. Code §11.31a. Students not enrolled in public schools due to participation in a home education program.
22 Pa. Code § 11.33 Dual enrollment students enrolled part-time in the public schools
22 Pa. Code §11.41. School district policies and rules.
Notarized Affidavit Template (Elementary Level) (Word)
Notarized Affidavit Template (Secondary Level) (Word)
Unsworn Declaration Template (Elementary Level) (Word)
Unsworn Declaration Template (Secondary level) (Word)
Bureau/Office Contact
School Services Office
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Forum Building
607 South Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Email: RA-home-education@pa.gov