Intensive Interagency Definitions
(Attachment to Intensive Interagency Coordination BEC)
"ACTIVE" STUDENTS: "All Pennsylvania children with disabilities whose school districts have determined that they cannot currently be appropriately educated in a public educational setting and who have waited or have been waiting for more than 30 days for the provision of an appropriate educational placement."
"AT RISK" STUDENTS: "At-risk" includes all children who are in substantial jeopardy of becoming active students, students who are without appropriate educational programs for 30 days or more; therefore, this definition includes, but is not limited to, all children for whom it is anticipated that their IEPs cannot be implemented within 10 days after completing the IEP and all children for whom an IEP can no longer be successfully implemented. In addition, students who are "at-risk" of becoming active students include those without IEPs where it is likely that an IEP meeting will not be convened in a timely manner because of anticipated problems in locating and securing an appropriate placement. The "at-risk" category also includes students with IEPs on home instruction for reasons other than temporary physical illness or mobility or other physical problems that prohibit the student's departure from the home.
"PAST" STUDENTS: Students who "met the class definition at some point on or after March 14, 1991, but were subsequently provided with an appropriate program and placement."
COMPENSATORY EDUCATION: Services designed to compensate the student for any delay and/or loss of instruction experienced while awaiting appropriate services for more than 30 days. These services must be designed by the IEP team, and may take the form of services beyond normal school days or hours, extra in-school services, extended eligibility for services (e.g., beyond age 21), or any other agreement that the IEP team determines to be reasonable compensation for the delay that the student experienced. If the student was on homebound or instruction conducted in the home during the period of delay, the student must be offered services comparable in nature and duration to the services that were recommended for the child but not provided. Families may waive their right to compensatory services if they choose. All students who experienced placement delays (see above) are eligible for compensatory education.
Bureau/Office Contact
Bureau of Special Education
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Forum Building
607 South Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17120
(717) 783-2311
ConsultLine (800) 879-2301