Fiscal Years 2010-2012
PlanCon Forms and Instructions
The revised PlanCon instructions and forms for fiscal years 2010-2012 with an expiration date of June 30, 2012 are now available. The PlanCon instructions, in PDF format, can be viewed and printed after they are downloaded. The PlanCon forms were developed using Microsoft Excel. Please note that all PlanCon parts must still be submitted on standard paper. The Division of School Facilities will
not accept completed forms submitted on a diskette or by file transfer over the Internet.
These revised forms should be used for any further PlanCon submissions. However, if substantial work has been completed on forms that expired June 30, 2009, the Division of School Facilities will accept them through January 2011. The revised forms must be used for all PlanCon submissions received after January 31, 2011 except where justified by extenuating circumstances.
Initial setup for the Excel files for the PlanCon forms and certain attachments to the PlanCon instructions
Before downloading the PlanCon forms and certain attachments to the PlanCon instructions, create a directory called PLNCN2010. Then, download the Excel files for the PlanCon forms and certain attachments to the PlanCon instructions to the PLNCN2010 directory.
Inputting PlanCon forms
For ease of use, individual pages, where possible, have been sized to fit the screen horizontally, and all input fields have been "greened" (green background color). In addition, DataEntryMode, which allows you to use the tab and directional keys to move around the page, can be activated by clicking on 'PlanCon' first and then 'EnterDataMode'. To end DataEntryMode, press the 'Esc' key (or click on 'PlanCon' first and then 'EndDataMode').
Text boxes with a green background have been used on pages where a description or explanation must be given. To use the text box, point with the mouse anywhere inside the text box, click once, and then start typing. Text boxes use 'word wrap' so you don't need to worry about line lengths. When you are finished typing in the text box, just point and click the mouse outside the text box.
Project costs and revenues must be reported to the nearest dollar.
Protection of PlanCon forms
To ensure that formulas aren't changed during inputting, all parts of PlanCon have been protected. The calculations in all parts have been tested and are substantially correct, but they may still contain errors. The Department, however, is not liable for any inaccuracies in the calculations or any errors in the files.
To make corrections, turn the protection off on the specific page and correct the calculation. Be sure to turn the protection on again after you've made any changes. Please contact the Division of School Facilities about any errors so that future versions can be corrected.
Printing of PlanCon forms
Each page has been set up to print separately on a single sheet of paper. If a page prints on two or more pages, check the page setup for that page by clicking on 'File' and then 'Page Setup'. In 'Page Setup', check the settings under the 'Page' tab to make sure that 'Fits 1 to 1' is checked.
We recommend that you use 'Print Preview' to ensure that the print settings work correctly.
Initial setup for the PlanCon instructions
Before downloading the PlanCon instructions, create a subdirectory on your hard drive. Then, download the files for the PlanCon instructions to the new subdirectory.
If there are any questions, contact the Division of School Facilities at (717) 787-5480 or
PlanCon General Instructions | N/A |
PlanCon General Instructions (PDF) |
Part A, Project Justification, provides the description of a proposed project and the justification of its need. |
PlanCon Part A |
PlanCon Part A Instructions (PDF)
Part B, Schematic Design, is a technical review conference of the conceptual drawings, site plan and educational specifications. | N/A |
PlanCon Part B Instructions (PDF) |
Part C, Site Acquisition, deals with the acquisition of land for school building projects or the purchase of a building for school or district administration office use. This part is completed only if land is acquired or a building is purchased as part of the scope of the project. |
PlanCon Part C (Excel) |
PlanCon Part C Instructions (PDF) |
Part D, Project Accounting Based on Estimates, is concerned with estimated project costs, various tests of a district's financial ability to make payments, and Section 7-701.1 of the Public School Code of 1949, as amended. PlanCon Part D also provides an estimate of state reimbursement. |
PlanCon Part D (Excel) |
PlanCon Part D Instructions (PDF)
Attachment B to the PlanCon Part D Instructions, Estimated AVTS Subsidy Proration |
PlanCon Part D, Attachment B (Excel)
| N/A |
Attachment C to the PlanCon Part D Instructions, Measure of Local Effort (Aid ratios, Local School Taxes, Market Value and Equalized Mills) |
PlanCon Part D, Attachment C (Excel)
| N/A |
Part E, Design Development, is a conference to review the architectural aspects of a project when the design is fully developed. |
PlanCon Part E (Excel)
PlanCon Part E Instructions (PDF)
Part F, Construction Documents, provides for further refinement of the architectural aspects of the project and documentation that other state and local agency requirements have been met or will be met before entering into construction contracts. Departmental approval of PlanCon Part F authorizes a district to receive bids and enter into construction contracts. |
PlanCon Part F (Excel)
PlanCon Part F Instructions (PDF)
Attachment C to the PlanCon Part F Instructions, Post-Bid Opening Certification |
PlanCon Part F, Attachment C (Excel)
| N/A |
Part G, Project Accounting Based on Bids, is concerned with actual construction bids. A project's eligibility for reimbursement is ultimately determined at PlanCon Part G. |
PlanCon Part G (Excel)
PlanCon Part G Instructions (PDF)
Part H, Project Financing, addresses the financing used for a project. Calculation of the temporary reimbursable percent for a project's financing occurs at PlanCon Part H. Once PlanCon Part H is approved, reimbursement on a project commences. |
PlanCon Part H (Excel)
PlanCon Part H Instructions (PDF)
Part I, Interim Reporting, provides for the reporting of change orders and/or supplemental contracts during construction. |
PlanCon Part I (Excel)
PlanCon Part I Instructions (PDF)
Part J, Project Accounting Based on Final Costs, is the final accounting for the project. The permanent reimbursable percent is calculated at PlanCon Part J. |
PlanCon Part J (Excel)
PlanCon Part J Instructions (PDF)
Part K, Project Refinancing, is used if a reimbursable bond issue is refunded, refinanced or restructured. |
PlanCon Part K (Excel)
PlanCon Part K Instructions (PDF)