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​Social Problem-Solving Skills - Grades 6-8

Make a decision based upon anticipated consequences.
Distinguish among various social contexts and how they impact personal feelings.
Analyze various perspectives on a situation.

Make a decision based upon anticipated consequences.

Performance Indicators
The learner will:
Supportive Practices
The adult will:
Teaching Strategies
  • Analyze the consequences of a decision prior to making the decision.
  • Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a decision.
  • Evaluate how external influences can impact decision making.
  • Apply models of decision making. (e.g., authoritative, consensus, democratic, individual) relevant to making a decision
  • Have students write and perform their own role plays for resisting peer pressure to avoid risky behavior.
  • Help students identify and seek outside sources of information to inform decision making.
  • Have students keep a weekly planner to organize studies.
  • Teach students a formula for making good decisions (e.g., identify the problem, consider the alternatives, make a choice, try it out, re-evaluate).
  • Invite guest speakers to share with students the importance of decision-making in their job and the impact decisions made as teenagers and young adults influenced their ability to achieve career goals.
  • Have students write a reflection based on a public figure (sports, entertainment, political, historic etc.), a decision made by that figure, and the consequence(s) of that decision.

Distinguish among various social contexts and how they impact personal feelings.

Performance Indicators
The learner will:
Supportive Practices
The adult will:
Teaching Strategies
  • Analyze how various group dynamics affect one's feelings.
  • Analyze social situations to determine strategies to manage feelings and behavior.


  • Have students role play various responses to social settings: (e.g., wedding, funeral, workplace training, company party, etc.).




  • Have students examine global needs and participate in a discussion around what they would do to help if they were president.
  • Have students identify bullying and harassment situations in history, literature, the workplace, and/or current events, and ask them to analyze the strategies used by persons involved for effectiveness.
  • Have students write an article or paper on the impact of their involvement in a school, home, or community initiative and evaluate what they would do the same or differently. Have them reflect on how that activity might influence their career interests.

Analyze various perspectives on a situation.

Performance Indicators
The learner will:
Supportive Practices
The adult will:
Teaching Strategies
  • Consider others' points of view.
  • Distinguish strategies others may use when framing a perspective.
  • Explain how individual, societal and cultural differences may impact perspective.
  • Hold classroom debates where the students must prepare to both support a concept and argue against the concept.

  • Assign students a current topic and ask them to interview important people in their lives to gather different perspectives, opinions, and points of view. Students can then present their results either in an oral or written report.