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​Social Problem-Solving Skills -
Pre K - K

Acknowledge the consequences of choices
Identify similarities and differences of various social contexts
Recognize and respond to the feelings of others

Acknowledge the consequences of choices

Performance Indicators
The learner will:
Supportive Practices
The adult will:
Teaching Strategies
  • Explain how actions have an impact on self and others.
  • Explain school rules and consequences.
  • Identify how self-care practices affect oneself.
  • Provide opportunities for children to contribute to rule making.
  • Offer opportunities to discuss reasons for having rules.
  • Post rules visually created by students in the classroom.
  • Model and teach a variety of decision-making strategies. (e.g., vocabulary associated with decision-making strategies and consequences).
  • Provide reminders of rules and consequences when students test the rules.
  • Demonstrate application of school rules in all areas of the school.
  • Use natural consequences (e.g., falling due to running in the classroom.
  • Utilize children's literature to predict and discuss how choices affect the outcome of the story. Use questions such as, "What if the character did this instead…would the outcome be different?"


Identify similarities and differences of various social contexts

Performance Indicators
The learner will:
Supportive Practices
The adult will:
Teaching Strategies
  • Transition between places and people with minimal distress.
  • Apply behavioral rules to new situations.
  • Adjust to changes in routines and activities.

  • Discuss expectations of differing environments. (e.g., library, hallway, restroom, cafeteria, classroom, outside).
  •  Discuss expectations of a new or unfamiliar environment or situation (e.g., field trip, classroom visitor).
  • Model appropriate behavior.
  •  Provide consistent rules and expectations in classroom environment.
  • Encourage families to provide consistent rules and expectations in home environment.
  • Provide literacy experiences related to socially acceptable ways to behave in different places.

Recognize and respond to the feelings of others

Performance Indicators
The learner will:
Supportive Practices
The adult will:
Teaching Strategies
  • Identify cues that may indicate what others are feeling.
  • Respond with empathy to others.
  • Offer assistance when someone needs help.


  • Encourage peers to help one another rather than offering adult assistance.
  • Identify and describe other people's feelings, including use of nonverbal cues.
  • Read and discuss books about empathy.
  • Provide specific feedback and acknowledgement on students' efforts to help others.
  • Have students create a gratitude collage about the people and things in their life they are grateful for.