It's a new school year! Teachers have spent weeks getting their classrooms in order, planning lessons, and preparing for their new learners. Students have been excitedly looking forward to seeing their friends again and learning cool new things. And parents, you've been going back-to-school shopping, registering your kiddos for classes and sports, moving them into dorms, and packing lunches and college care packages.
This year feels particularly special, as it's the first time that things seem to be back to "normal" after a tumultuous couple of years.
We at PDE want you to take a moment to reflect on where you've been—and look forward to where you're going. Maybe you're a first-year teacher entering a classroom for the first time; a college student dreaming about their career; a school librarian dusting off the books just waiting to be read; a pre-K student or kindergartner excited to make new friends; or a parent who is happy that school is back in session. No matter where you find yourself, we hope this school year is happy, productive, and successful.
Martin Luther King, Jr. said it best when he said, "The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education." I encourage you all to head back to school this year with open minds, kind hearts, and curious spirits.
Welcome back!