Promoting Positive Learning Climates Online and at Home
NOTE: links shared that take users beyond the Pennsylvania Department of Education's website to a non-PDE website, organization, product, process, service, manufacturer, or company do not constitute endorsement or recommendation by PDE, and, PDE is not responsible for the content featured on any of the sites or pages referenced. Educators should be mindful of digital resources that require teachers or students to create online accounts. Please check with district policies and consider HIPPA, FERPA, and COPPA laws with regards to student privacy BEFORE implementing any of these resources.
Strategies to Promote Safety/Wellness Online and at Home
Maintain norms and routines to the greatest extent possible
Provide age/role appropriate information to caregivers and children
Online safety and digital citizenship
Ensure safe homes and workspaces
Attend to physical and emotional safety needs through tiered systems of community support
Support Strategies for Children, Families and Remote Teachers
Physical supports
Feeding and other services in conjunction with local service agencies
Exercise and wellness activities
Mental and behavioral health supports
Implement self-care routines for adults
Provide developmentally appropriate information and support
Conduct periodic check-ins with students who have known needs
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Strategies for Children
Resources for adults on modeling and promoting social emotional learning in the home
Recorded SEL or mindfulness videos (examples only)
Online Story Times (examples only)
Practicing Social and Emotional Skills Remotely (examples only)