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Evidence-Based Comprehensive Afterschool Programs

Describe how the SEA will use the funds it reserves under section 2001(f)(3) of the ARP Act (totaling not less than 1 percent of the State's total allocation of ARP ESSER funds) for evidence-based comprehensive afterschool programs (including, for example, before-school programming), and ensure such programs respond to students' academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs. The description must include:

  1. A description of the evidence-based programs (e.g., including partnerships with community-based organizations) the SEA has selected, and the extent to which the SEA will evaluate the impact of those programs;

    PDE will use the funds under section 2001(f)(3) (1 percent of the state's total allocation of ARP ESSER funds) to establish Comprehensive Afterschool formula grants to LEAs. These grants will support evidence-based interventions to address learning loss and provide afterschool or extended day enrichment programs and interventions, such as academic enrichment collaborative sessions, small group extended learning, and 1:1 tutoring, as well as activities that support re-socialization and the development of social- emotional skills and growth mindsets in students. LEAs will be required to target funds to student groups disproportionately impacted by the disruptions of COVID-19 at that LEA (e.g., homeless students, foster care students, migratory students, ELs, students with disabilities, students who lack connectivity). PDE will evaluate the impact of each of these interventions, with IUs collecting data to inform the evaluation. Data collection will include number of students served and satisfaction of students and families.

  2. How the evidence-based programs will specifically address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on certain groups of students, including each of the student groups listed in question A.3.i.-viii. When possible, please indicate which data sources the SEA will use to identify students most in need of comprehensive afterschool programming; and

    As the LEAs select afterschool and extended day programs, PDE will provide guidance on best practices to LEAs to assist in the selection of students that have been most significantly impacted by COVID-19 mitigation efforts. LEAs will also engage with local stakeholders (including parents/caregivers and students) to determine those students in greatest need of these supplemental programs. In addition, LEAs will be required to report on what groups of students are to be served in their afterschool and extended day programs and interventions and rate the effectiveness of their initiatives in addressing student academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs.

  3. the extent to which the SEA will use funds it reserves to identify and engage 1) students who have missed the most in-person instruction during the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years; and 2) students who did not consistently participate in remote instruction when offered during school building closures.

    Within the LEA-specific Accelerated Learning Plan, LEAs will be required to identify students who were most impacted during the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years based on lack of in-person instruction and difficulty engaging in remote learning. LEAs will also determine how to use their supplemental after school and extended day activities to support this group of students.