PA Data Powershots
PA Data Powershots are short videos, generally less than 10 minutes, designed to support educators in the understanding and use of data within the context of decision-making at the district, school, grade/subject, classroom, and student levels. Each PA Data Powershot is focused on a specific concept, skill, report, or use of data – and can be used for individual educator learning or within larger groups such as data team meetings or professional learning communities.
Access all PA Data Powershots (YouTube)
PA Data Powershots Videos
What is a PA Data Powershot (YouTube)
PA Data Powershots are short videos focused on a specific data topic. View this short video to learn more about the purpose and use of the PA Data Powershots and how they can support your work.
- Understanding PVAAS Teacher Composites (YouTube)
Companion Guide: Understanding Teacher Composites (PDF)
There are many commonly asked questions about PVAAS Teacher-Specific reporting. Watch this short video to learn more about answers to these questions and how to provide accurate information using consistent language with your staff.
The Three Levels of Data Analysis: School, Subject/Grade, and Student (YouTube)
Companion Guide: Three Levels of Data Analysis (PDF)
There are different purposes for analyzing data at the school, subject/grade, and student levels. Learn more about the differences, why all three lenses are needed, and how to establish structures to create all three levels of analysis.
Teachers, Start Your Data Engines! (YouTube)
Companion Guide: Teachers, Start Data Engines (PDF)
Learn more about making best use of past and present data to ensure your students are fully engaged and positively participating in the 21-22 school year!
Using 4 Types of Data for Improved Outcomes: Student Learning, Process, Perceptual and Demographic Data (YouTube)
Companion Guide: Using 4 Types of Data for Improved Outcomes: Student Learning, Process, Perceptual and Demographic Data (PDF)
Data comes from many sources, and it takes more than just student learning data. Learn how a focus on a broader range of data leads to better decisions and better student outcomes.
Summative, Formative, Diagnostic and Benchmark Assessments: An Overview of Type & Purpose (YouTube)
Companion Guide: Summative, Formative, Diagnostic and Benchmark Assessments: An Overview of Type & Purpose (PDF)
What's more important when looking at student learning data? Summative or formative? Benchmark or diagnostic? Learn why a balanced approach to using all types of assessments is key in supporting positive student outcomes.
Finding Root Cause(s): A Focus on Variables Within Our Control! (YouTube)
Companion Guide: Finding Root Cause(s): A Focus on Variables Within Our Control! (PDF)
Getting to the root causes of what we observe in our data trends requires us to shift away from students' weaknesses and instead focus on the variables in curriculum, instruction, assessment, and organization that are within our control – and there are many! View to learn more about guiding teams to address what they can control.
Growth? Achievement: The Power of Growth AND Achievement! (YouTube)
Companion Guide:
Growth? Achievement? The Power of Growth AND Achievement! (PDF)
Growth AND Achievement are two intersecting measures of student performance. Used together, they provide a measure that offers a more complete view of student learning. Learn what each means, and how they work together for improving student outcomes!