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​Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System (PVAAS)

PVAAS is one of the tools in the cadre of tools provided each fall to local education agencies (LEAs)/districts and schools from the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

LEAs/districts, schools, and teachers are using PVAAS (growth and projection data), in conjunction with achievement data, to make sure students are on a path to proficiency and beyond. Utilizing all the data available (growth and achievement), educators are able to make data-informed instructional decisions to ensure the academic growth and achievement of all students.

Find key information about understanding and communicating PVAAS in these resources.

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LEAs/districts and schools can access data via the PVAAS website using a unique username and password.

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The public can access PVAAS through the same site via the “Public Access” button.

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PA educators may access demo accounts from the perspective of a district administrator, school administrator , or teacher. Please contact the PVAAS Statewide Team for PDE for demo account credentials via email:

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Support and Assistance

The PVAAS Statewide Team for PDE provides statewide professional learning, resource development and technical assistance for the statewide implementation of the Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System (PVAAS) in response to the needs of the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE).

For answers to questions regarding statewide support or professional learning, please contact the PVAAS Statewide Team via phone: 717-606-1911 or email:

For additional support, training, and/or follow-up services, contact your local Intermediate Unit. PVAAS Points of Contact