Funding and Fiscal Guidelines
Funding Sources
Pennsylvania Special Education Appropriation (State Funds)
LEA Model Policies and Procedures
Under the regulatory provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B (IDEA-B), to be eligible for funds the Local Educational Agency (LEA) must, among many things, demonstrate to the satisfaction of the State Education Agency (SEA) that it meets the conditions in §§300.101 through 300.163, and §§300.165—300.174. The conditions under §300.220 require the LEAs to have in effect policies, procedures, and programs that are consistent with the State policies and procedures established under §§ 300.101 through 300.163, and §§300.165—300.174. The Board approved LEA Policies and Procedures must be on file with the Department of Education. This current model of LEA Policies and Procedures is formatted to facilitate future modifications of the policies and procedures. Modifications to the IDEA Policies and Procedures may be necessary to ensure compliance with Part 300, if: (1) The provisions of the IDEA or the implementing regulations are amended; (2) There is a new interpretation of the IDEA by Federal or State courts; or (3) There is an official finding of noncompliance with Federal or State law or regulations.
Program and Fiscal Guidelines
State Funded Programs
Federal Funded Programs