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Required New Director Seminar
Schools are required to submit the Director of Acting Director Qualifications Form PDE-340 along with the necessary evidence of qualifications for each new Director and Acting Director within 30 calendar days of the change.
New Directors are required to participate in a New Director Seminar within six months of assuming the role of school Director. Participation is also required by the Directors of newly licensed/registered schools within six months of the school receiving approval.
Although not required, it is recommended that Acting Directors attend. Additional school staff who are responsible for submitting applications and reporting financials may also attend, but not in lieu of the Director.
There is no fee for this seminar.
The seminar presentation slides available below are provided as reference materials only.
Required New Program Application Training
Schools intending to submit a New Program Application to the Board for consideration are required to have the individual completing the application, or the individual certifying the application, participate in the 'New Director Seminar Part 1 - New Program Application' within the 12 months PRIOR to submission.
Licensed and registered schools must renew their license/registration after the first year and every two years thereafter.
Renewal Applications and renewal fees are due the 7th day of the month prior to expiration.
Applications must be submitted electronically to the Division's SharePoint site by 5:00PM EST on the deadline date (no exceptions will be made).
Fees must be received in the Division's office by 5:00PM EST on the deadline date (no exceptions will be made).
Expired licenses and registrations cannot be renewed.
Late fees will be assessed when the application and/or fees are not received by the submission deadline.
While the Division may send renewal reminder emails, it is ultimately the responsibility of the school to ensure the renewal is completed prior to expiration.
A detailed financial report is required of every licensed/registered school with every renewal.
The Board's financial reporting form, PDE-2006, is a part of the License/Registration Renewal Application (Excel).
If audited financials are provided in lieu of the PDE-2006 income statement and balance sheet, the audited financials must state the gross tuition revenue at the school-level.
If audited financials are provided in lieu of the PDE-2006 income statement and balance sheet, the disclosure and indicator sections, as well as the statement of affirmation, on the PDE-2006 are to be completed.
Schools may be placed on quarterly financial reporting for a variety of reasons.
Schools that are on quarterly financial reporting must submit a quarterly report for review by the Board's Financial Review Committee each quarter.
This report must be submitted on the Financial Report Form PDE-2006 for Quarterly Reporting (Excel).
Schools will be informed of the submission deadline each quarter. This is a hard deadline. Schools are encouraged to mark their calendars at least three weeks prior to each Board meeting date to ensure timely submission of each quarterly report.
Failure to submit the report may result in enforcement action.
Schools may be required to submit annual financial reports for a variety of reasons, including to support a change of ownership request, a scholarship request, or other notifications or applications.
Financial Reporting (PDE-2006) Instructions
Detailed instructions for preparing the Board's financial reporting form, PDE-2006, are available here:
Additional information on financial reporting is also available here:
Schools may also wish to attend the Financial Reporting component of the New Director Seminar. The seminar presentation slides available below are provided as reference material only.
Compliance Audits
Compliance audits are
scheduled one year following initial licensure/registration approval, and then
once every 3 years for unaccredited schools and once every 5 years for
nationally and/or regionally accredited schools.
The school will be notified in advance of a scheduled compliance audit and will be directed to complete the Compliance Audit Self-Study. The self-study must then be submitted by the specified deadline, prior to the school's scheduled compliance audit.
Compliance audit site visits may be conducted virtually at the time of the audit; however, a physical site visit may be conducted as well at another time. Physical site visits may be unannounced.
Instructor Qualifications
Schools must maintain an up-to-date Instructor Qualifications Form (PDE-279), along with the necessary evidence of qualifications, for each instructor.
These forms are maintained at the school for review during compliance audits or upon other requests.
New Programs
The Board must approve all new program and course offerings prior to advertising, enrolling, and providing instruction.
Schools intending to submit a New Program Application to the Board for consideration are required to have the individual completing the application participate in the 'New Director Seminar Part 1 - New Program Application Training' within the 12 months PRIOR to submission.
New Program Application fee: $1,400 per application (limit of three New Program Applications per school per Board meeting).
Consolidated AST-ASB New Program Application fee: $2,400 per application (limit of three new programs per school per Board meeting).
Applications must be submitted electronically to the Division's SharePoint site by 5:00PM EST on the deadline date (no exceptions will be made).
Fees must be received in the Division's office by 5:00PM EST on the deadline date (no exceptions will be made).
In addition to the Private Licensed Schools Act, regulations, and Board policy memos, some fields of study and professional certifications have additional curriculum standards, licensure requirements, and/or accreditation requirements. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that all standards and requirements are met for all organizations, Boards, agencies, and accrediting bodies with program oversight prior to submitting applications for Board review. Approval letters are to be embedded in the submitted New Program Application.
In addition to all other State Board of Private Licensed School new program application requirements, the items outlined in Board Policy Memo #93 must be submitted by schools applying to offer Commercial Truck Driving training programs. This is done by completing the corresponding worksheet within the New Program Application and embedding the required evidence.
The Board has established a limit of three New Program Applications per school per Board meeting.
Program Changes
Program changes must be requested in advance of implementation.
Program changes of 25% or more require a New Program Application be submitted for Board consideration. (Please reference 'Required Board Approvals and Submission Items > 'New Programs' for the necessary application and related information.)
Changes of 24.99% or less can be approved by staff. (Please reference 'Required Staff Approvals and Submission Items > Program Changes' for the necessary application and related information.)
Failure to obtain approval for program changes prior to implementation is a regulatory violation and may result in enforcement action.
Distance Education
The ability to offer programming and courses via distance education (by means other than residential/on-ground) instruction must be requested in advance of implementation.
New programs in which distance education is intended to be offered, the required information will be included in the New Program Application.
Existing previously Board-approved programs in which distance education is intended to be offered will require the submission of the Distance Education Application.
Schools receiving approval as a distance education provider after February 11, 2016 may request distance education program approval by submitting the Distance Education Application to Board staff. There is no fee for staff approval.
Schools receiving approval as a distance education provider prior to February 11, 2016, or schools who have not previously received distance education approval, must request distance education approval by submitting the Distance Education Application for Board review.
Note: It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that all distance education standards and requirements are met for all organizations, Boards, agencies, and accrediting bodies with program oversight prior to submitting applications for Board review. Distance education approval letters are to be embedded in the Distance Education Application.
Distance Education Application fee (Board-review only): $1,400 per application
Applications must be submitted electronically to the Division's SharePoint site by 5:00PM EST on the deadline date (no exceptions will be made).
Fees must be received in the Division's office by 5:00PM EST on the deadline date (no exceptions will be made).
Admission Representatives
A representative acting on behalf of a private licensed school, who solicits or procures enrollment through an enrollment agreement, at a location off school premises, is mandated to be licensed/registered as an Admission Representative by the Board.
In accordance with 24 P.S. § 6506 and 22 Pa. Code § 73.41, § 73.71 and § 73.75, no person shall solicit or procure prospective students to enroll, at a location off school premises, unless they are licensed/registered by the Board. Admission Representatives licensed/registered by the Board are limited in authority and may not solicit students to enroll in a school other than the one they are licensed/registered to represent.
In accordance with § 73.72, an individual applying for an Admissions Representative's license/registration shall be at least 18 years of age and shall apply on the form prescribed by the Board.
In accordance with 24 P.S. § 6508(b)(2) and 22 Pa. Code § 73.74, the duration of the original license shall be for one year, shall be renewed annually, and shall be effective from the date of issue until the first day of the month of the original issue the following year.
In accordance with 22 Pa. Code § 73.151(4) the annual fee for Admissions Representative licensure/registration is $600.
In accordance with 24 P.S. § 6513 and 22 Pa. Code § 73.182, the Board may refuse licensure/registration or pursue enforcement action, including suspension or revocation of licensure/registration, if it finds (7) a licensed/registered Admissions Representative has failed or refused to display or produce their license when requested to do so by prospective students or designated officials of the Board, (10) the school is employing Admissions Representatives who have not been licensed/registered by the Board, (16) a licensed/registered Admissions Representative has solicited prospective students to enroll in a school in which they have not been licensed/registered by the Board or which is not listed on their license, or if the Board finds that a school or an Admissions Representative has violated any statute or regulation.
In accordance with 22 Pa. Code § 73.73, the following changes in the status of an Admissions Representative shall be reported to the Board: (1) a change of home address for an Admissions Representative shall be reported within 14-calendar days, (2) the termination or resignation of an Admissions Representative shall be reported within 14-calendar days. The representative shall surrender his license to the school and the school shall forward the license to the Board along with the report.
Schools and Admissions Representatives are mandated to honestly promote the school and its programs by ensuring that all student publications, advertising, and printed materials contain full and accurate information. Schools are mandated to ensure that all Admissions Representatives are completely trained and familiar with the school and its programs, as well as to monitor the activities of Admissions Representatives on a regular basis.
At Executive Session on October 31, 2022, the Committee determined upon review of the statute, regulations, and policies that the spirit of the law does not require Admissions Representatives to be licensed who telework from a permanent location approved by the school in lieu of physically reporting to the school or administrative offices to engage in solicited or unsolicited recruitment and/or enrollment of students with the State Board of Private Licensed Schools.
Board approval is also required for the following:
Branch Facility
Remote Location/Facility
Change in Location/Temporary Relocation
Facility Expansion
School Name Change/Alternate Name
Change of Ownership
Change in Director or Acting Directors
Schools must notify the Board of a change in Director or Acting Directors within 30 calendar days of the change.
Schools are required to submit the Director or Acting Director Qualifications Form PDE-340 along with the necessary evidence of qualifications for each new Director and Acting Director.
Failure to notify the Board of a change in Director or Acting Directors is a regulatory violation and may result in enforcement action.
New Directors are required to participate in a New Director Seminar within six months of assuming the role of school Director. (Please reference 'Required New Director Seminar and New Program Application Training' for the registration form and necessary information.)
Schools must continuously maintain a surety bond or membership in a Board-approved surety fund at the minimum required level of surety. Schools must notify the Board of all changes to surety immediately.
A lapse in surety, surety set at a level lower than required minimum for the school, or failure to notify the Board of changes in surety is a regulatory violation and may result in enforcement action.
Program Changes
Program changes must be requested in advance of implementation.
Program changes of 25% or more require a New Program Application be submitted for Board consideration. (Please reference 'Required Board Approvals and Submission Items > 'New Programs' for the necessary application and related information.)
Changes of 24.99% or less can be approved by staff.
Staff approval may be requested by submitting the Program Change Application PDE-3744 below.
Program Change Applications are submitted to SharePoint. There are no associated fees and no submission deadlines.
Failure to obtain approval for program changes prior to implementation is a regulatory violation and may result in enforcement action.
Distance Education
The ability to offer programming and courses via distance education (by means other than residential/on-ground) instruction must be requested in advance of implementation.
New programs in which distance education is intended to be offered, the required information will be included in the New Program Application.
Existing previously Board-approved programs in which distance education is intended to be offered will require the submission of the Distance Education Application.
Schools receiving approval as a distance education provider after February 11, 2016 may request distance education program approval by submitting the Distance Education Application to Board staff. There is no fee for staff approval.
Schools receiving approval as a distance education provider prior to February 11, 2016, or schools who have not previously received distance education approval, must request distance education approval by submitting the Distance Education Application for Board review.
Note: It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that all distance education standards and requirements are met for all organizations, Boards, agencies, and accrediting bodies with program oversight prior to submitting applications for Board review. Distance education approval letters are to be embedded in the Distance Education Application.
Failure to obtain approval prior to implementing distance education, or making changes to the approved distance education provided, is a regulatory violation and may result in enforcement action.
Tuition and Fees
Changes in tuition, fees, and other costs under the school's control shall be reported to the Board before they become effective.
Changes in tuition, fees, and costs under the school's control may not become effective for currently enrolled students unless students are notified of the change at least 60 calendar days prior to the effective date of the change.
To notify Board staff of tuition changes, the school should print a copy of their Program Profile PDE-3808, cross out the old tuition amount, write down the new tuition amount, and note the effective date of the tuition change.
To notify Board staff of registration/admission fee changes, the school should print a copy of their School Program Profile PDE-3808 and write down the old fee amount, the new fee amount, and note the effective of the fee change adjacent to the corresponding program.
The marked Program Profile should then be emailed to your school's assigned Board Administrator.
Failure to notify Board staff of tuition and fee changes prior to implementation is a regulatory violation and may result in enforcement action.
A school is required to notify Board staff in writing of the following reportable events within 48 hours. Email is an acceptable form of notification. You may email your assigned Board Administrator, or if you do not know your school's assigned Board Administrator you may email the Division's general email account RA-PLS@pa.gov.
- The financial condition of the school has changed materially.
- The school's form of surety has or is about to lapse. (see Required Staff Approvals and Submission Items)
- The school files for bankruptcy or has become insolvent.
- The school has been notified of a building code violation affecting the health and safety of its occupants.
- The school has been notified that the licensed premises are endangered by an environmental hazard.
- The school is to be subject to a Title IV audit.
Failure to notify Board staff of a reportable event, within 48 hours of the occurrence, is a regulatory violation and may result in enforcement action.
Annual Statistical Report - due by September 30
Private Licensed Schools are required by statute and regulation to submit the mandated Annual Statistical Report. The Board is mandated to compile the final report data for submission to the Education Committees of the Senate and House of Representatives.
The Annual Statistical Report becomes accessible in July each year.
The annual deadline for submission is September 30.
Schools face potential enforcement action for failure to submit by the deadline.
Schools face potential enforcement action for submitting false, misleading, inaccurate, or incomplete information.
Enforcement action may include a fine and/or license/registration suspension or revocation.
While the Division may send reminder emails, it is ultimately the responsibility of the school to ensure the report is submitted by the deadline.
This report is accessed through your school's MyPDESuite account. For information regarding MyPDESuite, please visit our General Resources page.
If you have questions regarding the report or its submission, please contact Board staff.
Higher Education Annual Institutional Reporting, It’s On Us PA, Article XX-G, and Article XX-J - due March 1
On September 13, 2022, currently licensed/registered State Board of Private Licensed Schools received a 'Dear Colleague' letter from Dr. Garcia regarding amendments to Article XX-G of the Public School Code. These amendments impact all schools as part of the Higher Education Annual Institutional Reporting requirements due each year by March 1.
All higher education intuitions, including Private Licensed Schools, are required to attest annually that they are in compliance with Article XX-G of the Public School Code – regardless of the type of program awards being offered, the size of the school, fields of study, accreditation status, etc. Meaning, if you are a school licensed/registered by the Board, you are required to comply with Article XX-G of the Public School Code and are required to comply with Higher Education Annual Institutional Reporting requirements.
Private Licensed Schools who award specialized associate degrees (AST/AST) are additionally required to comply with Article XX-J of the Public School Code.
While the requirements of Article XX-G and Article XX-J of the Public School Code are outside of the Private Licensed School Act and its supporting regulations; and while the requirements are reported with the Division of Higher Education, Access, and Equity; the Division of Law Enforcement Education and Trade Schools will further confirm compliance, via self-attestation, at the time of licensure/registration renewal and during compliance audits.
The September 23, 2022, memo of clarification has been prepared, and is being provided, to assist in clarifying the articles and related reporting requirements. It is important to note that this information is provided as a general overview/summary only, it does not contain all details and necessary information. Please reference the specific article to ensure your school's compliance.
We hope this information is helpful. Should you have any questions regarding the requirements of Article XX-G and Article XX-J of the Public School Code or the related reporting requirements, you will find appropriate contact information and resources within the memo and listed below.
These resources are current as of 12/5/2022. For updated or newly added resources and information, please do refer to the Division of Higher Education, Access, and Equity's It's On Us PA website.
You may also wish to contact the Division of Higher Education, Access, and Equity directly via email at ra-highereducation@pa.gov and/or ra-editsonuspa@pa.gov.
It's On Us PA
The Pennsylvania Department of Education does not provide accreditation to Private Licensed Schools or for their programming.
Schools desiring accreditation must seek third-party accreditation. Accreditation may be school-wide regional or national accreditation or program-specific accreditation.
Private Licensed Schools should provide staff with all communications related to accreditation renewals and any changes in accreditation standing.
Private Licensed Schools are required to provide evidence indicating the status of all accreditations within the licensure/registration renewal application and the compliance audit self-study.
Adverse accreditation status will prohibit the processing of occupational specialized associate degree programming requests and applications.
When a Private Licensed Schools finds it necessary to close, students must be the priority.
A school is required to notify the Board at least 30 days in advance of closure.
Ideally, the school will complete instruction for all current students. If that is not possible, it is the school's responsibility to find another school that can provide the instruction to all students who are currently enrolled. This is referred to as a "teach-out".
The school must also arrange for the transfer of student academic records/transcripts to a Board-approved records repository. Please note that the Pennsylvania Department of Education does not act as a records repository. Schools may not have records delivered to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Failure to comply with the Act and regulations regarding closure can result in a fine or conviction of a summary offense even if the school has already closed.
Nationally or regionally accredited Private Licensed Schools may apply to elevate diploma programs to award either the Associate in Specialized Business (ASB) or Associate in Specialized Technology (AST) degree. Approval is granted by the Pennsylvania Department of Education's Secretary of Education.
Private Licensed Schools should provide staff with all communications related to accreditation renewals and any changes in accreditation standing. Adverse accreditation status will prohibit the processing of occupational specialized associate degree programming requests and applications.
To apply, the initial diploma program intended for elevation must be taught for a minimum of one year. After the initial diploma program application is approved for specialized associate degree status, the one-year requirement is waived on additional diploma program elevation applications.
Specialized associate degrees require academic standards and regulations be met beyond those of PLS diploma approvals. Additional fees are also required. Schools interested in offering specialized associate degrees should contact Board staff for additional information. The following statute and regulations mandate the requirements to award specialized associate degrees.
New Programs
The Board must approve all new program and course offerings prior to advertising, enrolling, and providing instruction.
The Consolidated AST/ASB New Program Application is to be used by schools seeking approval to offer a new program as a specialized associate degree program. Only schools who have existing approval to offer specialized associate degrees may submit this application.
Consolidated AST/ASB New Program Application fee: $2,400 per application (limit of three new programs per school per Board meeting)
Applications must be submitted electronically to the Division's SharePoint site by 5:00PM EST on the Board meeting submission deadline date (no exceptions will be made).
Fees must be received in the Division's office by 5:00PM EST on the deadline date (no exceptions will be made).
Once program approval is received by the Board, staff will conduct the necessary review and approval on behalf of the Pennsylvania Department of Education's Secretary of Education for specialized degrees.
Board-Approved Programs
To apply, the initial diploma program intended for elevation must currently being taught for a minimum of one year. After the initial diploma program application is approved for specialized associate degree status, the one-year requirement is waived on additional Standard Diploma to AST/ASB Program Applications.
The Standard Diploma to AST/ASB Program Application is to be used by schools seeking approval to elevate an already Board-approved program to a specialized associate degree program. Schools seeking initial approval to offer an existing diploma program after one year of instruction should submit this application. Otherwise, only schools who have existing approval to offer specialized associate degrees may submit this application.
Standard Diploma to AST/ASB Program Application fee: $1,000 per application.
Applications must be submitted electronically to the Division's SharePoint site. There are no submission deadlines. Applications expire one year after the date of submission.
Fees must be received in the Division's office prior to the processing of the application.
Board staff will conduct the necessary review and approval on behalf of the Pennsylvania Department of Education's Secretary of Education for specialized degrees. Note: unless submitted as a new program, rather than the elevation of an existing program, the diploma version of the elevated program will no longer be approved to continue to be offered – once approved as a specialized degree the diploma version of the program will cease to exist.
Program Changes
Program changes must be requested in advance of implementation.
Changes of 24.99% or less can be approved by staff. Staff approval may be requested by submitting the Program Change Application PDE-3744 below. Applications are then submitted to SharePoint.
Program changes of 25% or more require a Consolidated AST-ASB New Program Application be submitted for Board consideration.
Failure to obtain approval for program changes prior to implementation is a regulatory violation and may result in enforcement action.
Distance Education
The ability to offer programming and courses via distance education (by means other than residential/on-ground) instruction must be requested in advance of implementation.
New programs in which distance education is intended to be offered, the required information will be included in the program application.
Existing previously Board-approved programs in which distance education is intended to be offered will require the submission of the Distance Education Application.
Schools receiving approval as a distance education provider after February 11, 2016 may request distance education program approval by submitting the Distance Education Application to Board staff. There is no fee for staff approval.
Schools receiving approval as a distance education provider prior to February 11, 2016, or schools who have not previously received distance education approval, must request distance education approval by submitting the Distance Education Application for Board review.
Note: It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that all distance education standards and requirements are met for all organizations, Boards, agencies, and accrediting bodies with program oversight prior to submitting applications for Board review. Distance education approval letters are to be embedded in the Distance Education Application.
Distance Education Application fee (Board-review only): $1,400 per application
Applications must be submitted electronically to the Division's SharePoint site by 5:00PM EST on the deadline date (no exceptions will be made).
Fees must be received in the Division's office by 5:00PM EST on the deadline date (no exceptions will be made).
Board staff will conduct the necessary review and approval on behalf of the Pennsylvania Department of Education's Secretary of Education for specialized degrees, once the Board has provided their approval.
Please allow 10-14 business days from the time of mailing for your documents to be received in our offices. It may prove beneficial to send critical and/or time-sensitive items by trackable means. Providing the tracking information to Board staff will allow them to confirm if the mail item has been received by PDE, even if it has not yet been delivered directly to our office.
Please be sure to include any pertinent information with all correspondence. Indicate the name of the school and specifically what the item pertains to.
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Division of Law Enforcement Education and Trade Schools
State Board of Private Licensed Schools
607 South Drive, Floor 3E
Harrisburg, PA 17120