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Title I

Funding Source: Federal

Grant Program Name: Title I, Part A

Application Deadline: Annually on July 1.

Application Information: Application for Title I, Part A funds must be completed on-line and submitted on the eGrant system

Program Description: Title I is a 100% Federally funded supplemental education program that provides financial assistance to local educational agencies to improve educational opportunities for educationally deprived children. Title I programs are designed to help children meet the state content and performance standards in reading, language arts, and mathematics. In buildings with 40% or more poverty, LEAs may use the funds to upgrade the entire curriculum of the school and are Schoolwide Programs. In buildings with less than 40% poverty, programs are designed to help specific children and are targeted assisted programs. LEAs and schools are subject to consequences of school choice and supplemental education services if they do not meet adequate yearly progress as determined by the SEA.

Title I School Support System:

  • Title I State Parent Advisory Council (SPAC)
  • Title I Neglected and Delinquent Advisory Committee
  • Committee of Practitioners

Federal Programs Consolidated Review: A cadre of educators selected and trained by the Pennsylvania Department of Education review participating local educational agencies. In addition, Title I programs are audited annually in accordance with Single Audit Guidelines. The U.S. Department of Education generally conducts an annual review of the State's administration of Title I.

Evaluation: State program personnel prepare an annual performance report for the U.S. Department of Education.

Assessment: The Pennsylvania State System of Assessment is used to assess schools and local educational agencies.

Restrictions of Funding:

Eligible Entities and/or Partners: School Districts, Charter Schools, and Intermediate Units

Method of Distribution: PDE Bureau/Agency Responsible: Division of Federal Programs

Title I Schoolwide Programs

2024-25​ School Year
All Title I schoolwide schools/charters (existing, new, and TSI designated schools) will complete/update their Schoolwide Plan in the Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Portal by September 1, 2024.

School Improvement Plans/Schoolwide Plans for "designated" (CSI and A-TSI) schools/ charters Plans are due September 1, 2024.

Schools/charters interested in switching from Targeted Assistance to a Schoolwide Program must complete an Intent to Plan SWP Form (PDF) and submit via email attachment to Lisa St Clair at

View a list of the Approved Schoolwide Schools/Charters (Excel)​​

For more information on Title I Schoolwide Programs
Contact: Lisa St. Clair, Schoolwide Program Manager at:

Title I Targeted Assistance

Schools operating a targeted assistance model are required to use Title I funds to help educationally disadvantaged students meet state standards. Students are eligible for Title I if they are failing, or at risk of failing, to meet state standards. The following students are eligible for Title I services:

  • Students, who participated at any time in Head Start or Title I preschool at any time during the previous two years.
  • Students, who attended a community day program or living in a state or local neglected or delinquent institution.
  • Students, who were served in the previous two years under the Migrant Education program; and
  • Students, who are homeless.

Components of a Targeted Assistance Program

Targeted assistance schools must use Title I funds to provide programs, activities, and academic courses necessary to provide a well-rounded education designed to help eligible students meet state academic standards.

Targeted assistance schools must:

  • Help provide an accelerated, high-quality curriculum.
  • Minimize the removal of children from the regular classroom during regular school hours for instruction provided by Title I.
  • Review the progress of eligible students on an ongoing basis and revise the targeted assistance program, if necessary, to provide students with additional assistance to meet state academic standards.
  • Be incorporated into existing school planning.
  • Use effective methods and instructional strategies that rely on evidence-based research; and
  • Coordinate with and support the regular educational program, which may include services to assist preschool children transition into early childhood programs such as Head Start or state-run preschool programs.

Spending Options in a Targeted Assistance Program

Targeted assistance schools may use Title I funds to serve their eligible students by:

  • Expanding learning time for eligible students, including before- and after-school programs, summer programs, and opportunities.
  • Providing early intervening services to eligible students, including services coordinated with similar activities and services provided under IDEA.
  • Providing eligible students with extra supports aligned to the school's regular education program, which may include services to assist preschool children as they transition from early childhood education programs to elementary school programs.
  • Providing professional development for teachers, principals, other school leaders, paraprofessionals, and, if appropriate, specialized instructional support personnel, and other school personnel, who work with eligible students; and
  • Implementing strategies to increase the engagement of parents and family of eligible students.

A secondary school operating a targeted assistance program may use Title I funds to provide dual or concurrent enrollment program services to eligible children.

MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)

The MOU is to be developed between the LEA and the county Head Start agency. The purpose is to establish collaborations with Head Start and to develop a plan stating how the LEA will transition children who have attended a Head Start program or other early learning program.

The MOU must have all five of the required activities and must be inclusive of Head Start. The five required activities are;

  • data sharing,
  • channels of communication,
  • joint meetings,
  • joint professional development, and
  • sharing of educational services.

Cyber Charter Schools and Charter Schools that do not include Kindergarten are exempt from creating an MOU with the Head Start agency.

Parent and Family Engagement


Title 1 Paraprofessional Standards of Quality for Local Assessment Programs

The reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), also known as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015, changed requirements for paraprofessionals. As in the past, paraprofessionals working in Title I programs or in Title I schoolwide buildings still must hold a high school diploma. They must further demonstrate qualifications.

Section 1111 (g) (2) (J) of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that the State educational agency will ensure that all paraprofessionals working in a program supported with funds under Title I, Part A meet applicable State certification requirements. Additionally, Section 1111 (g)(2)(M) requires that the State has Professional Standards in place for paraprofessionals, "including qualifications that were in place on the day before the date of enactment of the Every Student Succeeds Act."

Title I - A Reallocation Procedures

Section 1126 (c) of the Every Student Succeeds Act requires the State Educational Agency (SEA) to develop procedures for the reallocation of Title I, Part A funds. Funds must be reallocated to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) in a timely fashion and must be allocated in accordance with State guidelines for reallocation.