| Act 13 Office Hours | 4th Thursday of the Month 12-1pm | Office Hours | | Microsoft Teams Meeting ID: 224 532 637 16 Passcode: NoLP3t |
| FRCPP Office Hours | 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the Month from 3-4pm | Office Hours | FRCPP Support Office Hours | Microsoft Teams Meeting ID: 215 061 850 632 Passcode: jes6AG
| Private Academic School Applications | Varies | Application | Private Academic School (PAS) applications due dates three month prior to PAS Board meetings | State Board of Private Academic Schools (pa.gov) |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| ACCESS Testing Window | January | Activity | ACCESS Testing Window - Early January to mid February | |
| Act 89 Budgets | January | Activity | Act 89 Budgets – Preliminary budgets due January 31; Final budgets due June 30. | |
Program Monitoring & Accountability Office
| Building Restorative Justice Systems in Schools - Part 2 | January | Conference/Training | Building Restorative Justice Systems in Schools - Part 2 | |
Bureau of Special Education
| Deaf-Blind Child Count | January | Report (due) | Deaf-Blind Child Count for Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, and Students | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Green Ribbon Schools | January | Grant (due) | PA Pathways to Green Schools/US Dept of ED Green Ribbon Schools - Applications available in fall with deadline in January. | |
Bureau of Special Education
| PASA | January | Activity | | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching | January | Activity | Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching - Deadline: early January | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Program Performance Reporting for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) | January | Report (due) | Program Performance Reporting for ESSA (takes places each fall - deadline January) | |
| Safe School Grants Awards | January | Grant (due) | Annual Safe School Grants Award Announcement | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Title I Improving School Performance Conference | January | Conference/Training | Title I Improving School Performance Conference (LEA leadership teams, teachers, principals, ETC.) | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Consolidated Application Funding Adjustments (ESSA) | February | Report (due) | Consolidated Application Funding Adjustments for ESSA Local Plans | |
Bureau of Career and Technical Education
| CTE Program Approval | February | Report (opens) | CATS opens for CTE program approval submissions (due May 31) | |
| Educator Effectiveness Annual Report | February | Report (due) | Educator Effectiveness Annual Report | |
| Extended Learning Opportunities Annual Conference | February | Conference/Training | Extended Learning Opportunities Annual Conference (ELO) for 21st CCLC Program (in-person) | |
Bureau of Special Education
| IU Fiscal Reviews | February | Report (due) | | BSE will send initial email with review document to IUs with submission deadline |
| List of Low-Achieving Schools | February | Activity | OSTCP List of Low-Achieving Schools posted on PDE website on February 15 | |
Bureau of Special Education
| Maintenance of Effort Monitoring | February | Report (due) | Maintenance of Effort Monitoring: Certify budget due from February to July | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Monitoring of ESSA Programs | February | Report (due) | Consolidated Monitoring of ESSA Programs (takes place annually from February to late May - information uploaded in Fedmonitor system) | |
| Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Program | February | Activity | Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Program (OSTCP) schools to participate or submit changes due February 15 | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| PA Educational Technology Expo & Conference | February | Conference/Training | Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo & Conference (PETE&C) | |
Bureau of Special Education
| RISC | February | Report (due) | | |
Bureau of Special Education
| Secondary Transition: Indicator 14 | February | Conference/Training | Secondary Transition: Indicator 14 - State Performance Plan Data Requirements - Postsecondary School Survey - Cohort 3 Exit Leader Services Webinar | |
| Comprehensive Plan, Phases 2 | March | Report (due) | Comprehensive Plan, Phase 2 due in FRCPP on March 31, 2024 | |
| Comprehensive Plan, Phases 3 | March | Report (due) | Comprehensive Plan, Phase 3 due in FRCPP on March 31, 2025 | |
Bureau of Special Education
| eGrants: IU Special Ed. Plan | March | Grant (due) | eGrants: IU Special Ed. Plan due from March to July | |
Bureau of Career and Technical Education
| K-12 Guidance Plans | March | Report (due) | K-12 Guidance plans due from schools in Phase 3 of the Comprehensive Plan submission | |
Bureau of Career and Technical Education
| K-12 Guidance Plans | March | Report (due) | K-12 Guidance plans due from schools in Phase 3 of the Comprehensive Plan submission | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators Annual Conference | March | Conference/Training | Professional growth opportunity for environmental educators | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Annual Federal Program PAFPC Conference | April | Conference/Training | Annual Federal Program PAFPC Conference (Federal program coordinators, LEA leadership teams, business officials, etc.) | |
| Bus Evacuation and Security Drills | April | Report (due) | Bus Evacuation and Security Drills ACS Reports | |
Bureau of Special Education
| eGrants: Budget | April | Grant (due) | eGrants: Budget revisions due from April to September | |
| ELECT Annual Conference | April | Conference/Training | | |
| Migrant Education Program Annual Conference | April | Conference/Training | Migrant Education Program Annual Conference (in-person) | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| PSSA Administration | April | Activity | | |
Bureau of Special Education
| RISC | April | Report (due) | | |
Bureau of Special Education
| Secondary Transition: Indicator 14 | April | Conference/Training | Secondary Transition: Indicator 14 - State Performance Plan Data Requirements - Postsecondary School Survey - Cohort 2 POST Webinar | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Statewide Nonpublic Equitable Services Consultation Meeting | April | Training | DFP staff hosts a statewide training for all LEAs and nonpublic schools on the purpose of equitable services requirements and best practices. | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Keystone Exam Administration | May | Activity | Keystone Exam Administration | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Conference | May | Conference/Training | Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness (ODTA) Conference | |
| 180 Day Exception Requests | June | Activity | 180 Day Exception Requests due June prior to school year | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Accountability Data Snapshot | June | Activity | Accountability Data Snapshot | |
Program Monitoring & Accountability Office
| AEDY End-of-Year Report | June | Report (due) | AEDY End-of-Year Report for each approved program due June 30 | |
Bureau of Special Education
| eGrants: 611 Budget Applications | June | Grant (due) | eGrants: Open eGrants for 611 budget applications | |
| Flexible Instructional Days | June | Application | Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs) application due June 1; PDE determinations Made by August 1. | |
| Memorandum of Understanding | June | Report (due) | Executed copy of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) | |
| New Nonpublic/Non-Licensed Schools | June | Affidavit | New nonpublic/non-licensed schools due June prior to new school year or throughout the year to open at different start dates | |
| Student Assistance Program Data | June | Report (due) | Student Assistance Program (SAP) data submission | |
Bureau of Special Education
| Survey of Parents of Students with Disabilities | June | Report (due) | Survey of Parents of Students with Disabilities | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Title I Participation Data Reporting | June | Report (due) | Title I Participation Data Reporting (takes place June to August in PIMS) | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Title III Professional Development Activities | June | Report (due) | | |
| Act 89 Final Program Evaluation Reports | July | Report (due) | Act 89 Final Program Evaluation Reports – due by July 31 | |
| Bullying Policy | July | Report (due) | Updated Bullying Policy (policies need to be reviewed/updated every three years) | |
| Fire Drills | July | Report (due) | | |
Bureau of Special Education
| Fiscal Trainings | July | Conference/Training | Mandatory Fiscal Trainings | |
| Safe Schools Report | July | Report (due) | | |
| School Reconfigurations | July | Activity | School Reconfigurations due July 31 of each year (or the Friday before) | |
| School Security Drills | July | Report (due) | School Security Drill ACS | |
Bureau of Special Education
| Special Education Performance Grant | July | Grant (due) | Special Education Performance Grant | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Title I Parent & Family Engagement Conference | July | Conference/Training | Title I Parent & Family Engagement Conference: Summer TBD | |
| Act 89 Allocations | August | Activity | Act 89 Allocations – August, October, and February on the first business day of month | |
Bureau of Special Education
| APS/CSDB (Approved Private Schools/Chartered Schools for the Deaf and Blind): Tuition Rates | August | Report (due) | APS/CSDB: APS and CS tuition rates due August 15 | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| BruMan Summer Forum | August | Conference/Training | BruMan Summer Forum (training each summer for federal program administrators and business officials, TBD) | |
| Charter School Annual Report (CSAR) | August | Report (due) | Charter School Annual Report due August 1 | |
Bureau of Special Education
| CMCI (Compliance Monitoring for Continuous Improvement) Monitoring Training | August | Conference/Training | CMCI Monitoring Training posted on PaTTAN website | |
| School Improvement Plans (CSI, A-TSI, and TSI) | August | Plan (due) | School plans due in FRCPP on 8/31 | |
Bureau of Special Education
| ACCESS | September | Report (due) | Medical ACCESS reimbursement requests ongoing throughout school year | |
Bureau of Special Education
| ACCESS Program Statewide Training | September | Conference/Training | School-Based ACCESS Program Statewide Training | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| ACT 35 | September | Report (due) | ACT 35 - Civics Education Reporting. Window is September 14, 2022 - December 1, 2022 (FRCPP) | |
Bureau of Special Education
| Compliance Monitoring | September | Report (due) | Approved Private Schools (APS): Compliance Monitoring ongoing throughout school year | |
Bureau of Special Education
| Determination Letters | September | Report (due) | Determination letters (compliance with IDEA) to Districts (1st week of September) | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| ELD Program Area Fall professional learning calendar | September | Conference/Training | Various topics: new coordinators, culturally responsive teaching, literacy, ELD curriculum development, | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| ELD Program Area Office Hours | September | Conference/Training | Monthly virtual open office hours meetings: September 14, September 26, October 18, November 28, December 19 | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| ESSA Local Plans [Titles IA,(ID) IIA, IIIA & IV] | September | Report (due) | Consolidated Applications – Every Student Succeeds Act Local Plans (opens in Spring and due early September in eGrants) | |
Bureau of Special Education
| Fiscal Trainings | September | Conference/Training | Fiscal Trainings at PaTTAN and IU locations (virtual if needed) from September to October | |
| Homeless Education Summit | September | Conference/Training | Homeless Education Summit | |
Bureau of Special Education
| Mikayla's Voice | September | Conference/Training | Inclusive Programming Opportunities through Mikayla's Voice | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Monthly Virtual Federal Program Trainings | September | Conference/Training | Monthly Virtual Federal Program Trainings: 3rd Tuesday monthly (federal program coordinators; LEA leadership teams; business officials, etc.) | |
Bureau of Special Education
| PASA Updates and Training | September | Conference/Training | PASA Updates and Training Announcements | |
| Ready to Learn Block Grant | September | Grant (opens) | Grants due in Egrants by November 30th | |
| Refugee Education Summit | September | Conference/Training | | |
Bureau of Special Education
| Reporting of Expenditures | September | Report (due) | Reporting of Expenditures relating to Exceptional Students | |
| RFA for Safe School Grants | September | Grant (opens) | RFA Safe School Grants request for applications open | |
Bureau of Special Education
| RISC (Restraint Information System of Collection) | September | Report (due) | | |
Bureau of Special Education
| Secondary Transition: Cyclical Monitoring Planning and IEP Development | September | Conference/Training | Secondary Transition: Cyclical Monitoring Planning and IEP Development Schoology Course (TARGETED LEAS ONLY) | |
Bureau of Special Education
| Secondary Transition: Indicator 13 | September | Conference/Training | Secondary Transition: Indicator 13 - What LEAs Need to Know About the Secondary Transition Cyclical Monitoring Schoology Course (TARGETED LEAS ONLY) | |
Bureau of Special Education
| Secondary Transition: Indicator 14 | September | Conference/Training | Secondary Transition: Indicator 14 - State Performance Plan Data Requirements - Postsecondary School Survey (Cohort 3 Exits) Fall Webinar | |
Bureau of Career and Technical Education
| Supplemental Equipment Grants | September | Grant (opens) | Supplemental Equipment Grant released | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Title I - Schoolwide Plans | September | Report (due) | Title I - Schoolwide Plans (revised and due by early September in the Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Portal - FRCPP) | |
Bureau of Special Education
| ACT 16: Data | October | Report (due) | ACT 16: Data due from October to February 1 for LEAs with 20% or greater increase in any of top three categories | |
Bureau of Career and Technical Education
| Articulation Agreements | October | Activity | Postsecondary statewide articulation agreements due | |
Program Monitoring & Accountability Office
| Building Restorative Justice Systems in Schools | October | Conference/Training | Building Restorative Justice Systems in Schools | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Charter School Enrollment Verification | October | Report (due) | Charter School Enrollment is collected annually to determine ESSA program eligibility and annual allocation amounts. | |
Bureau of Career and Technical Education
| Competitive Equipment Grants | October | Grant (opens) | Competitive Equipment Grant released | |
| Comprehensive Plan, Phase 1 | October | Report (due) | Comprehensive Plan, Phase 1, due in FRCPP on March 31, 2023 | |
| Cyber Charter Application | October | Report (due) | New Cyber Charter Applications are due October 1 | |
| Cyber Charter Renewal Application | October | Report (due) | Cyber Charter Renewal Applications are due October 1 during the year prior to the expiring charter. | |
Program Monitoring & Accountability Office
| Facility-Wide Tiered Fidelity Inventory | October | Conference/Training | Facility-Wide Tiered Fidelity Inventory: A Tool for Planning and Implementing PBIS in Alt Settings | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Fall Regional Meetings | October | Activity | Fall Regional Meetings live at 10 IUs across PA in October and November | |
| Home Education and Private Tutoring Report | October | Report (due) | Home Education and Private Tutoring Report and ACS due October 28 | |
| Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities Report | October | Report (due) | Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities Report and ACS due October 28 | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| N&D (Neglected & Delinquent) Symposium | October | Conference/Training | N&D Symposium in October or November for LEAs serving vulnerable populations, receiving Title IA neglected or ID Delinquent funds | |
Bureau of Career and Technical Education
| Onsite Compliance Visits | October | Activity | Onsite compliance visits (Perkins, Approved Program Evaluations) begin; Nurse Aide reviews occur quarterly. | |
| Private Academic School Applications | October | Report (due) | Private Academic School (PAS) applications due dates three month prior to PAS Board meetings | |
| Private and Nonpublic School Enrollments | October | Report (due) | Private and Nonpublic School Enrollments (PNPE) mandatory reporting from October 1-15 | |
Bureau of Career and Technical Education
| Program of Study Revisions | October | Activity | Revision of Phase IV Program of Study task grids via virtual meetings | |
Bureau of Special Education
| Special Education Plan Information | October | Report (due) | Special Education Plan Information based on phase # for School Districts | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Teen Driver Safety Week | October | Event | Teen Driver Safety Week - Third week in October | |
Bureau of Special Education
| Contingency Fund Applications | November | Grant (due) | Contingency Fund applications: Open late November to January with award letters in April/May | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| English Language Development Conference | November | Conference/Training | ELD (English Language Development) Conference | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Governor's STEM Competition | November | Event | The Governor's STEM Competition - Registration: September to November. State Competition: April. | |
Bureau of Career and Technical Education
| Industry Credentials | November | Report (due) | Applications to add industry credentials due November 30 | |
Bureau of Career and Technical Education
| PDE Integrated Learning Conference | November | Conference/Training | Annual PDE Integrated Learning Conference | |
Bureau of Special Education
| RISC | November | Report (due) | | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Title I Comparability Reporting | November | Report (due) | LEAs must submit student & staff enrollment to ensure state and/or local funds are not being reduced in non Title IA schools. | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Act 158 Graduation Report | December | Report (due) | Number of students graduating via pathways/evidence reorted to PDE for public posting opens oct 1 and is due Dec 1 annually. | |
| Blue Ribbon Schools | December | Award (issued) | National Blue Ribbon school nominations begin in September and are awarded at the SAS conference | |
Bureau of Special Education
| Child Count | December | Report (due) | Child Count data due on December 1 | |
| Nonpublic Information System | December | Activity | Nonpublic Information System (NPIS) initial PO submission due November 13; final PO submission after reallotment due February 28 | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| PA/DEP Environmental Education Fund Grants | December | Grant (due) | PA/DEP Environmental Education Fund Grants - Applications late summer with deadline in December | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Pennsylvania Meaningful Watershed Education Experience Awards, Applications due December | December | Conference/Training | Professional growth opportunity for environmental educators | |
| Purple Star Schools | December | Award (issued) | Purple Star Schools applications close on October 1 for consideration for the following school year and are awarded at the SAS conference | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| SAS Institute | December | Conference/Training | | |
| Teacher of the Year Award | December | Award (issued) | Teacher of the Year applications close on December 15 for consideration for the following school year and the current year is awarded at the SAS conference | |
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
| Winter Keystone Exam Administration | December | Activity | Winter Keystone Exam Administration | |